of Tabling

Global Social Network

Round Table International

Round Table International is formed into five regions globally which comprise 57 countries, each having a Regional Chairman.

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Corporate Alliance

Our Associate Partners

Members of Round Table India can avail various Corporate Benefits. Few of our associate alliances are with Apollo Hospital, IHG Hotels, Zeiss, etc.

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Leadership & Personality Development Programs

Round Table India Trainers

The Round Table India Trainer group consists of committed young men with a flair for conducting training programs who at the same time, also derive immense satisfaction from the contributions that they make.

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Freedom Drive

A drive with a reason

Members of Round Table India travel with the purpose to generate awareness, fundraising activities, community service and fellowship.

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One Class Room

FELLOWSHIP is one of the corner-stones on which the Tabling movement is built; it is Friendship, it is Honesty with your peers, it is enlargement of perspective, and it is also the force behind the...

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Children of Tablers are called Twinklers

Every tabler's family is the responsibility of the entire fraternity and our children are one of the most important part of it. And we make sure they are not left out in our journey while making this world a better place for them.

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Sports & Fitness

A Fit Tabler is a Hit Tabler

A complete health & fitness plan is given to a Tabler and his family to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Tabling Centres

Round Table India Tabling Centres

Round Table India

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