Round Table India is a young entrepreneurs organisation which encourages community service activities through the medium of their business and professional occupations.

Project FTE

Freedom Through Education

Round Table India steps in and builds school blocks with amenities across India for the underprivileged that are operating from dilapidated or open structures.

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Project HEAL

Healthcare Enhancement for Active Living

Round Table India's COVID-19 response gave birth to Project HEAL, where we especially focus on Medical Infrastructure Creation, Projects focusing on Government and Government aided Hospitals, and Charitable Trust Hospitals/Institutions.

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FTE Assist

Freedom Through Education Assist

Under FTE Assist, the Round Table India community focuses on building infrastructure for toilet blocks, water filters, coolers, smart classes, fans, lights, stationery, etc.

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RTI Kitchen

Round Table India Kitchen

From the Chief Minister’s kitchen in Ranchi to the exceptional work done in Mumbai in helping senior citizens and the needy with daily essentials, cooked meals, and rations. These are just some of ...

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Fund Raising

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Fundraising is vital to every Tabler. To support all the service oriented activities of RTI, Tablers organise their own fundraising events. The involvement, efforts and financial support that the T...

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Community Service

Round Table India Community Service

The Event is one of its kind where kids with Hearing impairment participate in various kinds of Sports and Cultural Activities. 800+ kids participate every year at the event from all over the Natio...

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Go Green

A step towards a healthy living by making the Earth cleaner & greener

Round Table India recognizes that we have only one earth, and we need to take care of it. It means doing everything we can to protect the Earth and promote a healthy environment.

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Flights of Fantasy

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi u...

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COVID-19 Response

One Nation. One Cause.

The COVID Times made us enter into COVID CSR, followed by Hyderabad Flood Relief & Aamphan Relief Partnership with Cognizant Outreach and Round Table India extended its assistance to relief work ex...

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Disaster Relief

Round Table Members are often amongst the First Responders

Round Table India was the first NGO to reach the ground after Kashmir Flood. We have made a huge contribution at the right time to see that kids don’t cry because of hunger, women don’t plead for h...

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