Service / Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

Round Table Members are often amongst the First Responders

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Kashmir Flood

Round Table India was the first NGO to reach the ground after Kashmir Flood. We have made a huge contribution at the right time to see that kids don’t cry because of hunger, women don’t plead for help, and men don’t run away from duties and get engaged in anti-social activities.

Gujarat Earthquake

Round Table India was the first organization to rebuild 20 Schools in Kutch & Surendranagar (Bhuj) within 4 months. Azim Premji Foundation contributed INR 80 Lacs on a total outlay of INR 2.4 Crores.

Operation Tsunami

Round Table India was the only NGO entrusted by the Tamil Nadu Government to work in Tsunami affected areas for the rebuilding of schools. Around 126 Schools were built at a cost of INR 25 Crores.

Odhisa Cyclone

For Orissa Cyclone Relief in 1999-2000, construction of 10 Schools was carried out by the Tables in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Reconstruction of homes, schools, and distribution of food and daily necessities was done in Puri, Bhubaneswar & Cuttack after Cyclone Fani in May 2019.

Kashmir Flood

Round Table India was the first NGO to reach the ground after Kashmir Flood. We have made a huge contribution at the right time to see that kids don’t cry because of hunger, women don’t plead for help, and men don’t run away from duties and get engaged in anti-social activities.

Gujarat Earthquake

Round Table India was the first organization to rebuild 20 Schools in Kutch & Surendranagar (Bhuj) within 4 months. Azim Premji Foundation contributed INR 80 Lacs on a total outlay of INR 2.4 Crores.

Operation Tsunami

Round Table India was the only NGO entrusted by the Tamil Nadu Government to work in Tsunami affected areas for the rebuilding of schools. Around 126 Schools were built at a cost of INR 25 Crores.

Odhisa Cyclone

For Orissa Cyclone Relief in 1999-2000, construction of 10 Schools was carried out by the Tables in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Reconstruction of homes, schools, and distribution of food and daily necessities was done in Puri, Bhubaneswar & Cuttack after Cyclone Fani in May 2019.

Our Initiatives